MosaicoScan: application solution of artificial intelligence


Artificial intelligence is also used in banks, the answer to customer service reorganization.

The platform, through a proprietary algorithm = NLP - natural language processing, allows to read texts and images, unstructured data, that came back in an organized form. In this way, the employees of San Marino Bank will be able to devote more time to customer care.

To date, in fact, the insertion of data (50,000 documents per year) required the commitment of a full-time employee who copied all the information by hand.

Due to Mosaico Scan, those who had these tasks can also devote more time to data monitoring. Data that, with this platform, as required by the legislation, remain within San Marino to ensure maximum privacy.

“It is a project that we have been studying for months - says the Bank of San Marino DG Luca Lorenzi - with the virus emergency we decided to speed up the adoption of the platform. Artificial intelligence allows us to achieve different goals: employees can to do a better job, both for them and for the bank. A beautiful job allows us to activate more smart working, because physical presence is not necessary in the bank.

We are more efficient and therefore closer to the customer requirements. The Bank has started a partnership with an innovative startup certified by San Marino Innovation, to confirm the bank  predisposition to innovation and to investment in the San Marino startups.

"It’s the first time we work with a bank - says Diego De Simone , Botika co-founder, High-Tech Enterprises of San Marino Innovation. Our customers are typically Italian companies that use the automation process. Usually we work in the field of logistics and order management, but knowing the banking world, we thought that there could be an application of our algorithms also for bank useful . San Marino Bank was the first that believed in this technology.

NewsLinda ZavoliNews