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5Punto0: five different smart solutions to meet new communication needs


ONLINE PRESENTATION of 5punto0: five different smart solutions to meet new communication needs, supporting the necessary transition to the digital world, both in the EVENTS and in the PR for Associations, Companies and Exhibitors.

5punto0: the first post-Covid-19 digital communication project was born in San Marino thanks to the synergy between Trends, a high-tech start-up dedicated to organizing events and certified by San Marino Innovation, and Katoa, a leading social media management company.

The name was born from the desire of Rossella Fugaro and Giordano Bruno Luisè to offer five different smart , quick and fast solutions for new communication needs, supporting the necessary transition to the digital world, both in events and in PR for associations, companies and exhibitors.

5punto0 - virtual room
it is the solution to make all meetings and meetings virtual, dedicated to the Associations that have to make their meetings "virtual". The platform (the room in this virtual world), direction, technical assistance and the possibility to record the meeting are made available.

5point0 - events
not only the virtual space and the organization, but also the promotion towards the public, storytelling and the digital press office that serves to make the human and cultural contents of the event viral. Before, during the appointment and after.

5punto0 – PR DIGITALI
il pacchetto perfetto per le PMI che vogliamo capitalizzare i loro eventi online, si perde lo spazio fisico ed il contatto, ma si acquisisce un pubblico nuovo ed una nuova modalità di raccontarsi. Allo storytelling ed all’organizzazione dell’evento virtuale si sommano attività di digital pr e di ufficio stampa, un vero e proprio piano di marketing multicanale.

the most complete of the approaches, an ongoing activity to oversee the new communication and to create and make the most of all the tools. A monthly fee to have a real marketing office available, marketing plan and virtual strategy included. Not only events become virtual but all communication, a skilful mix of social media management and public relations to properly guard the post-pandemic world.

5point0 - TRAINING
take advantage of the moment to redesign your communication strategy and to learn how to implement the targeted actions yourself which will allow you to control your channels and communicate.