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Hack the School: online event dedicated to children aged 13 to 19

Schermata 2020-04-24 alle 12.55.35.png

The emergency we are experiencing is rapidly changing the way we live.

There school it is changing its face, as well as relationships with friends, the way of studying, of keeping company.
We therefore have the opportunity to to write on a beautiful "WHITE PAGE”, Where the only rule is to want to get involved.

The days we will spend together have the aim of imagining and telling what your ideas and perspectives are on issues such as these:
What will the school of the future be like?
And how will relationships between friends change?
What about travel? How will they change? Shopping, how will it be?
In short, room for imagination, every topic and every topic is welcome.

Free registration:

Program April 24th

3:00 pm Start of the second edition of Hack The School

- Kick off with tutors and participants and start of works.

- Objective of the first day: to elaborate a presentation of the team and its components, outlining the main features of the project that the team will develop.

- Tutor available for questions, clarifications, opinions and suggestions

20:00 Deadline to define the people of the team and the idea

21:00 Elevetor pitch test with tutors for the discussion of the first presentation

Programma 25 Aprile

2.30 pm Kick Off of the day with the tutors

- Goal for the day: develop the project in a team

- Tutor available for questions, clarifications, opinions and suggestions

20:00 Deadline for uploading the updated presentation

21:00 Elevetor pitch test with tutors for the discussion of the second presentation

Program April 26th

10:00 Kick Off of the day with tutors

- Goal of the day: present the project

- Tutor available for questions, clarifications, opinions and suggestions

16:30 Deadline for uploading presentations

17:30 Pitch Elevator of the teams with the judges

- Proclamation of the winners of the second edition of Hack The School

A hackathon event organized by the San Marino Innovation High Technology Company Botika in collaboration with Karis School, Common Factor, Gruppo TeddyRivierabancaGruppo ASA - Metal Packaging - is Nethesis, entrepreneurial realities in the province of Rimini, Pesaro and San Marino and at the forefront of innovation and development.